I took an extended break to understand where I really wanted to go with my site and blog. I am a strong believer that as a diversity professional it is imperative that I understand the diversity within myself to better communicate why diversity, inclusion and equity are important to others. As I continue on this journey I hope to instill the same thought in others.
Discussing diversity and genealogy in the same breath can be fascinating because it allows us to explore the connections between ancestry, culture, and human history. Here are just some of the topics that I will talk about in the coming weeks:
1. Heritage and Lineage
2. Genetic Diversity
3. Migration and Cultural Exchange
4. Identity and belonging
5. Challenging Assumptions
6. Cultural Preservation
7. Uncovering Hidden Histories
It is my thought that discussing diversity and genealogy together allows me, us, as people and professionals, to appreciate the richness of human heritage and better understand the interconnectedness of our global community. It is my hope to stimulate and promote dialogue, empathy, and appreciation for the diversity that makes us who we are.